Barbell Club – Fri, Jun 16

CrossFit Fixx – Barbell Club

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Workout Notes

– Build to a 1-rep-max clean and jerk.

– Aim to perform at least 6 attempts within the 20:00 clock. Take no more than 3 attempts at any given load.

– For Accessory – I, prioritize smooth technically sound reps over reaching failure with poor technique.

Warm-up (Checkmark)

4 sets:

:45 ski

:45 row

– Increase your pace with each set.

2 sets:

5 wall squats

:30 handstand shoulder taps

– Hold the bottom of each squat for :03.

1 set:

5-10 clean pulls

5-10 power cleans

5-10 hang squat cleans

5-10 split jerks

– Use an empty bar.

5 sets for load:

1 clean pull

1 power clean

1 hang squat clean

1 split jerk

– Build in load to your first working set.

Main Lift (Weight)

On a 20:00 clock:

1-rep-max clean and jerk

Accessory – I (2 Rounds for weight)

5 sets for load:

3 tempo back squats (:03 down, :01 hold, stand)

– Rest 2:00-3:00 between sets.


CrossFit Workouts for Week of 1/13-1/19/2024

Throughout January, we’ll continue to prepare athletes for the 2025 CrossFit Open.

Kick off the week with a quick 3-round workout of rowing and hang power cleans.

Follow that with a gymnastics-heavy EMOM on Wednesday to test mental and physical stamina.

Retest Annie on Friday to continue to align with this month’s focus.

Round out the week with a fun partner workout on Saturday!

CrossFit Workouts for Week of 1/06-1/12/2025

Throughout January we’ll continue to prepare athletes for the 2025 Open.

Kick off the week with a couplet that will build gymnastics endurance and stamina with a heavy barbell.

Follow that with a light barbell and box-jump AMRAP on Tuesday.

Work through a fast-paced, moderate-skill workout on Thursday.

Wrap the week with some kettlebell fun on Sunday.

New Year Nutrition Kickstart

If you really want to change your life, you have to start by changing your behaviors. And we’re going to do it together. Because change is hard, we’re going to support you with coaching and a peer group like only Fixx can.


Talk with a coach about your goals. Get the plan to achieve them.


Take the first step towards getting the results you want!

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