From now until March 4th, we will be accepting donations for dogs in need. We’re teaming up with Bion CrossFit and the Sanctuary Project to help with donations like blankets, dog beds, food, treats, etc.
CrossFit Fixx – Barbell Club
2-3 Rounds:
10 Face Pull Overhead Squat
10 ea.Half Kneeling OH Press
10 ea. Thoracic Extension Rotations
10ea. SL Glute Bridge Ups
10 ea. Bretzel
10 PVC Pass Throughs
:30 Hollow Hold
Below the Knee Snatch (5×5 at 60/60/65/70/65% 1rm Snatch
Split Jerk (5×5 at 50/60/65/70/65% 1rm Split Jerk)
Romanian Deadlift (RDL) (5×5 at 50/60/65/70/65
Core #7 (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
8-Min AMRAP:
10ea.Chaos Pallof Presses
10 Anti-Extension Presses