CrossFit Fixx Member Highlight – Zoe Bubany!!

We asked Fixx athlete, Zoe Bubany, a few questions about her CrossFit journey…

What brought you to Bootcamp classes in the first place

“I wanted to get back in shape after having my first baby in 2017 and FIXX is 2 minutes away from my house! The noon classes are perfect for my schedule and allows for “me time” during my lunch break from work to focus on my health and fitness.”

What was your first impression? How has that changed?

“I loved it immediately! Although, it was hard for me at first and I definitely had to make far more modifications while I gained strength and muscle. Now, at 46 years old, I can say that I’m physically stronger than I ever have been in my entire life.”

What was your first “bright spot”? (Positive moment)

“I remember the moment when I thought “I actually like burpees!” I love the full body effort it takes to do burpees and that is my motivation to do them without complaint.”

What are you working on now?

“I just recently was able to successfully complete double-unders! Now I just need to be able to do it consistently. And, I’m working harder on “real” push-ups with proper form and being able to run again for longer periods after recovering from plantar fasciitis. In general, I am always working on overall fitness and love to incorporate bootcamp with an active lifestyle that includes regular tennis and golf.”

What is your favorite FIXX memory?

“Every time I beat a former PR 🙂 ”

Do you have a favorite movement? Favorite style of workout?

“I love the Filthy Fifty, and in general really dig workouts that have many movements to keep my focus dialed in and avoid burnout.”



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