Saturday, July 8th – SUMMER SOLSTICE
3-person team competition!
Sign up as an athlete, judge, or volunteer by 6/3 and get a free t-shirt!
CrossFit Fixx – CrossFit
Running dynamic warm-up | 9:00
1 round:
200-m run, slow
10 high ring scap pull-ups
3 rounds:
:30 running position drill per leg
:30 running in place drill
:30 partner falling drill
100-m run
1 round:
200-m run, faster
10 high ring kip swings
230508 (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
– RX –
AMRAP 15 with a partner:
10 muscle-ups
200-m run with a partner
– One partner works and one rests during the muscle-ups.
AMRAP 15 with a partner:
10 low-ring muscle-up transitions
200-m run with a partner
– One partner works and one rests during the transitions.
Same as Intermediate
Skill Work – Post-workout (4 Rounds for reps)
4 sets:
:20 ring dips
:10 rest
Stretching (Checkmark)
1 set:
1:00 upper back lacrosse ball/side
1:00 lacrosse ball on calf/side
STRENGTH I (5 Rounds for weight)
Every 3:00 for 5 sets:
5 back squats
– Rest for the remaining time on the 3:00 clock.
– Use at least 70% of your best back squat.
– Increase load across as many sets as possible.
STRENGTH II (7 Rounds for weight)
Every 2:00 for 7 sets:
3 push jerk
– Rest for the remaining time on the 2:00 clock.
– Use at least 60% of your best push press.
– Increase load across as many sets as possible.
SKILL I (Distance)
4 sets:
:30 handstand walk
:30 GHD sit-up hold (parallel to the floor)
– Rest 2:00 between sets.
– Record the total distance traveled on your hands.
SKILL II (Checkmark)
EMOM 10:
10 alternating single-leg squats
– Rest with the remaining time in the minute.
– If you are able to perform 10 reps smoothly and without issue, consider adding load by holding a single dumbbell.
STAMINA I (3 Rounds for distance)
3 x AMRAP 4
400/500-m row
200-m run
Max-distance row
– Rest 3:00 between AMRAPs.
4 sets for total time:
200-m run
400-m run
800-m run
100-m sprint
– Rest 1:00 between each distance.