New Winter Saturday Schedule begins December 2nd!
8:00am Rowing
9:00am Partner WOD
10:00am Barbell Club
Holiday SURVIVAL Challenge begins November 27th!
A 5-week nutrition program to help you navigate the holiday season.
Registration is open in the Wodify app. Ask a coach to find out how to participate for free!
Use this link in the Wodify app:
CrossFit Fixx – CrossFit
Warm-Up (No Measure)
10 Jumping Jack Toe Touches
8 Air Squats
6 Clean Deadlifts
4 Alt. Groiners
10 Broad Jumps
8 Power Cleans
6 Front Squats
4/4 Moose Antlers
Strength – All
Push Jerk (8-6-4 | 6-4-2*)
*Start Light and build to Mod+. The second wave (6-4-2) should be heavier than the first (8-6-4).
(Score is Weight)
Week 2 of 5
Strength | Wave-Loading Cycle
Workout – All
EMOM x 10 MINUTES* (Weight)
1 Power Clean & Jerk
2 Front Squats
1 Shoulder to Overhead
*Start Moderate and build every other set to a Heavy weight for the complex (5 different weights). Athlete is only allowed one lift attempt per 1:00 interval.
(Score is Weight)
Optional Cool Down
2-3 SETS FOR QUALITY (No Measure)
8/8 Slow Single Leg Glute Bridge-Ups
3/3 Sciatic Nerve Floss
12 Banded Ws*
*Keep elbows tucked at 90-degrees. Pull hands out to the sides, keeping elbows in same position, close to ribs.
-Rest As Needed b/t Sets-
(No Measure)