CrossFit Fixx – CrossFit
Warm-Up (No Measure)
1:00 Cal Row
6 Slow Ring Rows
6/6 DB Upright Row
6/6 DB Arnold Press
12 Alt. V-Ups
Workout – Performance
AMRAP x 14 MINUTES (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
5 Strict Pull-Ups
8 Alt. DB Hang Power Clean to Overhead (50/35)*
12/10 Cal Row
*Add 4 Reps after each full round.
(Score is Rounds + Reps)
KG DB: (22.5/15)
Workout – Fitness
AMRAP x 14 MINUTES (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
5 Vertical Ring Rows
8 Alt. DB Hang Power Clean to Overhead (35/20)*
10/8 Cal Row
*Add 4 Reps after each full round.
(Score is Rounds + Reps)
KG DB: (15/10)
Post-Workout Strength – All
Bench Press (10-8-6-4*)
*Start Light and build to Moderate+.
(Score is Weight)