New Year’s LIFT OFF is this Saturday (Jan. 7th) at 8:30am! Sign up at the front desk.
Regular Sat. schedule resumes next week.
Valentine’s Day Massacre volunteers & athletes sign up by Jan.7th to get a FREE T-shirt!
KIDS Classes begin next week – Teens (12-15) M/W – 4-5pm & Kids (7-11) Tu/Th – 4-4:45pm! See Coach Ben to sign up!!
5:30pm M-F class starts Monday, Jan. 16th!! (5p & 6p combined) Mark your calendars!
T-shirt/Tank/Zipper Hoodie preorder is LIVE! See sign up sheet on front desk. Preorder ends 1/21!
Nutrition Kickstart begins Jan. 16th! 6-week program to get your nutrition dialed in for 2023
CrossFit Fixx – CrossFit
Warm-Up (No Measure)
PART 1 (MIN 0-3:00)
25ft Line Drills…
Toe Walk
Heel Walk
Straight Leg Kicks
Bear Crawl
Quad Crawl
PART 2 (MIN 3:00-8:00)
100m Run
10 Alt. Forward BW Lunges w/ hands behind head*
8 Kip Swings
6 Empty Barbell “Up + Overs”**
*2nd Round: 10 Alt. Reverse BW Lunges. The hands behind the head focuses on an upright torso position before using a barbell.
**Bar starts in the front rack position. Dip + punch overhead, then gently lower & absorb the barbell on the back rack. Behind the neck push press to bring back to the front rack.
Workout – Performance & Fitness
Metcon (Time)
800m Run
50 Back Rack Lunges (95/65)
30 Toes to Bar
600m Run
40 Back Rack Lunges
25 Toes to Bar
400m Run
30 Back Rack Lunges
20 Toes to Bar
(Score is Time)
KG BB: (42.5/30)
Performance & Fitness (No Measure)
12 DB Zottman Curls
10/10 SA DB Upright Row
1:00 Hollow Hold*
*Option to Hold DB.
-Rest as Needed b/t Sets-
(No Measure)