CrossFit Fixx – CrossFit
Barbell Club Standard warm-up (No Measure)
Barbell Club Standard warm-up
3-5 minutes Bike or Row
Pre-workout Foam Rolling 2-3 minutes
Standard Dynamic
wrist circles
elbow circles
arm circles
seal swings
over & back
free style bounce
arm rotations
torso rotations
bow & bend
hip circles
knee circles
ankle circles
leg swings
equating ankle stretch
Russian baby makers
iron cross
walking lunge w/twist
samson stretch
spiderman walk
This warm up should take 10-15 minutes total time
Athletes will have 30 minutes to find a Heavy 2 rep in all three movements. Athletes will rotate between the three movements.
This is week 1 of 5.
Bench Press (2-Rep Heavy )
(Score is Weight)
URR: Upright Row (2-Rep Heavy)
Barbell Upright Row
Deadlift (2-Rep Heavy)
Core Finisher
8 Minute Abs