Are you ready to FIXX your nutrition?

Need to FIXX your eating habits? We’ve got just the thing to “kickstart” your way to deep health.

Crossfit FIXX is introducing nutrition coaching to complement our comprehensive fitness programming. We will kick-off this program with a 6-week nutrition “kickstart” starting Monday, April 18th. 

You will receive nutrition and health education, develop healthy habits, and gain positive accountability and support. You’ll also have access to an app based program to track your successes.

Prior to the kickstart, we’ll set up a 10-15 minute, in-person, brief assessment to answer questions and take measurements and photos as a baseline.

On Thursday, April 14th at 7:30pm, we will host a zoom meeting to introduce you to the kickstart. It will be recorded if you are unable to join.  

It costs less than your weekly Starbucks fix or a meal out. To register for the kickstart challenge and pay weekly, click here. If you’d like to register and pay for the full 6 weeks up front, click here. 

Individualized and personal nutrition coaching is also available during and after the kickstart.

Contact Vanessa at [email protected] for more information or book a consultation here. Like and share our nutrition page on Facebook!


Meet your Nutrition Coach:                                          

Vanessa Hansen Helms has a Master’s Degree in Counseling and is trained in motivational interviewing and behavior change.  She has worked in the helping professionals for over 20 years and has provided adult education both nationally and internationally.  She is a certified nutrition coach and a group fitness instructor. 

Vanessa can’t wait to get to know you and your goals and help you establish habits that will create lifelong and deep health!

Let’s FIXX your nutrition for GOOD!



Talk with a coach about your goals. Get the plan to achieve them.


Take the first step towards getting the results you want!

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