Barbell Club – Sat, Apr 22


Coach Ben is moving to Texas! 🙁

Farewell party for Ben is on Tuesday, 4/25 at 6:30p after evening CrossFit class at Bear Canyon Pizza.

Come say goodbye and wish him well!

Class Schedule Updates! Beginning week of May 1st..

12p CrossFit every Mon-Fri


New Saturday line-up

7a Barbell Club

8a Partner Workout

9a Rowing

Please plan accordingly.

Saturday, July 8th – SUMMER SOLSTICE

3-person team competition!

Sign up as an athlete, judge, or volunteer by 6/3 and get a free t-shirt!

New T-Shirt / Tank Pre-order is live now thru Wednesday May 3rd!See preorder form on front desk!

CrossFit Fixx – Barbell Club

Warm-Up (10min Cap) (No Measure)

2 Rounds:

15 Frog Stretch Rocks

10ea. Cossack Squats

10ea. Bird Dogs

15 Banded Pull Aparts

5ea. Squat Hold w/ Thoracic Rotation

10 Empty Barbell Pause Squats

Back Squat (BACK SQUAT – Every 3:00
3 at 75%
3 at 75%
3 at 80%
3 at 80%
3 at 80%
3 at 85%

Super Set (Weight)

3-4 Rounds: (15min.Cap)

6-8 BSS (choose how you want to load with DBs, KBs, Barbell) – RPE: 8

12-15 Spanish Squats – RPE: 8

Goal is to go heavier than last time (04-08-2023)

Finisher (Time)

Accumulate 3:00 Side Plank each side.* (10min Cap)

*Each time you break, 15 UNBROKEN Wall Balls. If not unbroken, time starts over on Side Planks.


CrossFit Workouts for Week of 1/20-1/26/2025

Throughout January, we’ll continue to prepare athletes for the 2025 Open.

Kick off the week with a workout that tests shoulder and running stamina and gets you upside down!

Follow that with a heavy 1-rep-max snatch retest day on Wednesday.

Power through another retest on Thursday as you take on an ascending-rep box jump and running workout.

Round out the week with a 2,000-meter row test with a twist!

CrossFit Workouts for Week of 1/13-1/19/2024

Throughout January, we’ll continue to prepare athletes for the 2025 CrossFit Open.

Kick off the week with a quick 3-round workout of rowing and hang power cleans.

Follow that with a gymnastics-heavy EMOM on Wednesday to test mental and physical stamina.

Retest Annie on Friday to continue to align with this month’s focus.

Round out the week with a fun partner workout on Saturday!

CrossFit Workouts for Week of 1/06-1/12/2025

Throughout January we’ll continue to prepare athletes for the 2025 Open.

Kick off the week with a couplet that will build gymnastics endurance and stamina with a heavy barbell.

Follow that with a light barbell and box-jump AMRAP on Tuesday.

Work through a fast-paced, moderate-skill workout on Thursday.

Wrap the week with some kettlebell fun on Sunday.


Talk with a coach about your goals. Get the plan to achieve them.


Take the first step towards getting the results you want!

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