Barbell Club – Wed, May 24


Saturday, July 8th – SUMMER SOLSTICE

3-person team competition!

Sign up as an athlete, judge, or volunteer by 6/3 and get a free t-shirt!

Memorial Day, Monday May 29th Schedule: Class times are 5:30am, 6:45am, & 8:00am MURPH workout.

Reserve your spot now in Wodify!

NEW CLASS: 4:30pm CrossFit!! Mon-Fri beginning Tuesday, May 30th.

CrossFit Fixx – Barbell Club

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Workout Notes

– For today’s Main Lift, slowly lower the bar to the mid-thigh with the shoulders in front of the bar. Hold for :02, then snatch the bar overhead.

– Begin your first working set around 50% of your best snatch.

– For Accessory – I, use light loads and focus on QUICKLY locking out the arms overhead.

– For Accessory – II, scale the ROM of the GHD sit-up, the load of the DBs, and the thickness of the band to complete 10-15 reps of each movement/minute.

Warm-up (Checkmark)

3 sets:

15 jumping jacks

10 PVC pass-throughs/hang muscle snatches/hang power snatches

5 seated box jumps

– Use a PVC.

– Progress to a new PVC exercise each round.

1-2 sets:

5 BTN push presses

5 BTN push jerks

5 hang muscle snatches

5 hang power snatches (pause at the mid-thigh for :02)

– Use an empty bar.

– BTN = behind-the-neck

3-4 sets:

3-5 hang power snatches (building)

– Pause with the bar at mid-thigh for :02.

Main Lift (5 Rounds for weight)

5 sets for load:

5 hang power snatches

– Pause with the bar at mid-thigh for :02.

– Rest 3:00 between sets.

Accessory – I (5 Rounds for weight)

5 sets for load:

5 muscle snatches

5 behind-the-neck snatch grip push presses

– Complete all 10 reps unbroken.



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