CrossFit Fixx Member Highlight – Quinn Buza!

Check out his Fixx story!!

“What brought Mary and I to CrossFit in the first place was Mary was looking to get the kids into fitness program with the Manka’s….Todd Hartman was involved in the CrossFit classes with Dan and said it was a form of exercise he thought i would enjoy because it was so challenging and worked the body with so many variations of exercise….

My first impression was that it was going to be very challenging and It was going to be tough to keep up…. but, with all the comraudary, support and fantastic friendships….crossfit became very routine… and very exciting to be a part of…..

The first and most positive experience I can remember was a large partner WOD…20 people or so….music cranking… And massive support which was a blast!!! Could not wait to do it again…..

What I’m working on now is form…. Always trying to improve range of motion… perform exercises with the correct mechanics…. and avoiding injury… That way you get to keep going…. Don’t like missing classes, they are too much fun!!

Favorite CrossFit memory….is not a memory… it is all the memories from so many incredible workouts and hilarious mornings with ALL of my CrossFit family …untouchable!!


May 2024 CrossFit Programming Focus

During May, we will have a special Cinco De Mayo workout, a great Mother’s Day Workout, our Benchmark workout: Kelly, and of course, we are tackling Murph on Memorial Day! It’s going to be a great month for making BIG gains!

CrossFit Workouts for Week of 4/29-5/05/2024

Each week leading up to Memorial Day, we will have two ‘optional’ training sessions in prep for MURPH, taking place on Memorial Day. Get these workouts in when you can to be ready for the workout!


Talk with a coach about your goals. Get the plan to achieve them.


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