September 2021 CrossFit Programming Focus

Holy moly, it’s September?!

We have just wrapped up our Wendler 5-3-1 Strength cycle for the Back Squat, Deadlift, and Strict Press. This was a 9-week program where we tested all 3 to find our Training Max that we would work with throughout the cycle, de-loaded, and increased the training Max for a second loop through before retesting in the final weeks of August. This foundation of strength that we have been working on in the 3 basic lifts combined with finding that extra gear in fast workouts will segway us perfectly into our new focus in the coming months. This was also the culmination of our “Going Fast” that featured a Sub 10:00 redline type workout every week! August was one to remember, but it’s onto September!

Okay, fitness fans and fanatics, it’s September already! After building some overall pure strength in our Wendler cycle, it’s time to put that power to work! This month we are going to be seeing some Heavy loading in workouts 2x per week making appearances in all types of formats, volume, and time domains…expect to see one of our Heavy Benchmark workouts that will leave you saying, “WTF” (hint hint).

The other side of the coin in terms of our focus for the month is getting gymnasty.

While it has been fun getting barbell strong, it’s important to also become bodyweight strong. Nobody wants to be that person with a 500lb Deadlift and no Strict Pull-Up when you can have both!

Our gymnastic focus is going to feature a deeper dive into all gymnastic movements from the bar to the rings and beyond, beginning where we all could and should improve…strict! Coming off of the Wendler cycle in August, you will feel the strength transition from the barbell to the bodyweight gymnastic movements.

As we move through the coming weeks, in our Strength and Skill sessions we will begin to transform the strict to more dynamic movements incorporating kipping skill work after building the requisite strict strength.


May 2024 CrossFit Programming Focus

During May, we will have a special Cinco De Mayo workout, a great Mother’s Day Workout, our Benchmark workout: Kelly, and of course, we are tackling Murph on Memorial Day! It’s going to be a great month for making BIG gains!

CrossFit Workouts for Week of 4/29-5/05/2024

Each week leading up to Memorial Day, we will have two ‘optional’ training sessions in prep for MURPH, taking place on Memorial Day. Get these workouts in when you can to be ready for the workout!


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