April 2024 CrossFit Programming Focus

We got through March in one piece, but man, did it have a whole host of fitness benchmarks for us! We started the month off by finishing the final two weeks of the CrossFit Open. We had a STRONG turnout, and hopefully everyone was able to get a little better from last year!

The previous month also saw practice with the Strict Pull-Up and HS Hold/ Walk practice to get us more comfortable/ efficient with those movements. We then tackled our St. Patrick’s Day-themed workout + a long-time fan favorite…Fran!

These workouts paved the way to the final week of the month: Leading Ladies Week! During this week, we hit a new workout each day named after influential women. This week was tough, but it is the perfect way to put a cherry on top of most of our “competitive” fitness season and get us back into the training for longevity mindset.

April is going to kick off our next strength cycle, and it’s all about VOLUME!

We are going to be working higher rep strength sets for the Overhead/ Front Squat + Bench Press. This strength cycle will culminate with a 3-Rep Heavy attempt to see how much volume work has paid off.

This cycle should be thought of as building muscular endurance, which will carry over into workouts, so even if you are not lifting weights that are as heavy as our last strength cycle, there is still growth happening! 

Some other highlights include our April benchmark: The Filthy Fifty, a new Hero Workout, a return of the benchmark Ava, and our retest of Death Row! 

We will see a focus on Strict Handstand Push-ups throughout April to complement/ build on the inverted work we practiced in March. Since we are working on Towing Capacity, athletes can expect to see two Grind workouts weekly to help build up that long distance motor and build some mental grit.

The last point will be Murph prep to gear everyone up for Memorial Day Murph.

This will start the final week of April and carry us through May right up to the week of Memorial Day! These workouts are meant to be completed outside of classes and at an athlete’s discretion. If anyone is unsure of how to implement these extra credit pieces, talk to your coaches for guidance and remember a little goes a long way.

These workouts can be moved around based on how you are feeling, or if you miss a day, just be mindful of overall volume, and when in doubt, ask a coach! With all this to look forward to, let’s stop waiting around and get to training, I’ll see you in the gym!  

Volume & Capacity Cycle 4/1-5/12

  • W1 – 3×10 (RPE 6) 
  • W2 – 3×8 (RPE 7)
  • W3 – 3×6 (RPE 8)
  • W4 – 3×4 (RPE 9)
  • W5 – 3×10 Deload Week 
  • W6 – 3RM Tests

Workout Weekly April Commitments 

  • (2x/ Week) Grind Workouts 
  • (1x/ Week) Overhead/ Front Squat Strength 
  • (1x/ Week) Bench Press Strength 
  • (1x/ Week) Workout of the Week or Benchmark/ Classic workout 
  • (1x/ Week) Strict Handstand Push-Up Strength session



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