Saturday, July 8th – SUMMER SOLSTICE
3-person team competition!
Sign up as an athlete, judge, or volunteer by 6/3 and get a free t-shirt!
Memorial Day, Monday May 29th Schedule: Class times are 5:30am, 6:45am, & 8:00am MURPH workout.
Reserve your spot now in Wodify!
NEW CLASS: 4:30pm CrossFit!! Mon-Fri beginning Tuesday, May 30th.
CrossFit Fixx – Barbell Club
2 min easy pace row
2 sets:
10 leg swings
10 lateral leg swings
10 PVC good mornings
10 air squats
With an empty barbell:
2 sets:
10 front rack transitions
5 clean deadlifts
5 clean pulls
5 front squats
High Hang Clean + Hang Clean + Clean (5 x 1 High Hang Clean + 1 Hang Clean + 1 Clean
-build to a heavy complex. First set at 65% of 1 rep squat clean (squat all reps))
Pause Split Jerk (5 x 2 Pause Split Jerk
-2 sec pause in dip and catch position
-build as form allows. These should be light with focus on positioning,)
3 sets:
8 SA KB Press/arm
8 Bulgarian split squats/leg
16 WeightedRussian Twists/side