

6-Week Nutrition Kickstart begins Monday, April 18th!
Sign up sheet on front desk for more information.
Happy 8th Anniversary CrossFit FIXX!!!

CrossFit Fixx – CrossFit

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Warm-up (No Measure)

1 ROUND (2:00 Cap)

20 Plate Hops*

10 Plate Ground to OH

10 Alt. Cossack Squats

6 Push-Up to Toe Tap**

1 ROUND (2:00 Cap)

8 Clean Deadlift

8 Elbow Punches

8 Alt. Lunges

8 Up-Down to Plate

1 ROUND (2:00 Cap)

6 Hang Muscle Clean

6 Strict Press

6 Front Squat

6 Burpee to Plate

*Weight should be a 10LB, 15LB or 25LB plate

**Athlete will perform a Push-Up and then reach one arm to “Tap” the opposite foot. Switch arms after every Push-Up rep (i.e Push + Right Arm to Left Toe, Push-Up + Left Arm to Right Toe)


Squat Clean and Jerk (3×1*)

*All working sets should be Heavy…about 90+% of 1-Rep Clean and Jerk. Option to build in later sets if perfect mechanics are maintained. This is NOT a Heavy 1-Rep, under no circumstances should we get to maximal loading.

(Score is Weight)

Week 6 of 8


“SALT-N-PEPA” (Time)


100 Burpees to Target*

*Target is 6 inches above standing reach. Every 1:00, beginning at 0:00, perform 3 Jerks (165/115)|(125/85). Option to go heavier at (185/135)|(135/95).

(Score is Time)

KG BB1: (75/52.5)|(57/39)

KG BB2: (85/60)|(60/42.5)


Max Plank (Time)

Happy 8th Anniversary CrossFit Fixx!!!


CrossFit Workouts for Week of 1/20-1/26/2025

Throughout January, we’ll continue to prepare athletes for the 2025 Open.

Kick off the week with a workout that tests shoulder and running stamina and gets you upside down!

Follow that with a heavy 1-rep-max snatch retest day on Wednesday.

Power through another retest on Thursday as you take on an ascending-rep box jump and running workout.

Round out the week with a 2,000-meter row test with a twist!

CrossFit Workouts for Week of 1/13-1/19/2024

Throughout January, we’ll continue to prepare athletes for the 2025 CrossFit Open.

Kick off the week with a quick 3-round workout of rowing and hang power cleans.

Follow that with a gymnastics-heavy EMOM on Wednesday to test mental and physical stamina.

Retest Annie on Friday to continue to align with this month’s focus.

Round out the week with a fun partner workout on Saturday!

CrossFit Workouts for Week of 1/06-1/12/2025

Throughout January we’ll continue to prepare athletes for the 2025 Open.

Kick off the week with a couplet that will build gymnastics endurance and stamina with a heavy barbell.

Follow that with a light barbell and box-jump AMRAP on Tuesday.

Work through a fast-paced, moderate-skill workout on Thursday.

Wrap the week with some kettlebell fun on Sunday.


Talk with a coach about your goals. Get the plan to achieve them.


Take the first step towards getting the results you want!

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