March 2024 CrossFit Programming Focus

February brought us some exciting training leading into the first week of the CrossFit Open. The first big win of the month was testing a 1-RM Back Squat/ Deadlift, both POST workout!

The idea behind this post-workout strength cycle was not only to make sure we can move heavy loads under fatigue, but also to prepare us for the CrossFit Open where there is almost always a heavy lift post-workout!

We continued to see old CrossFit Open retest workouts along with testing out our Benchmark for the month: The Chief! Leading into the first week of the Open we saw higher RPE (Rate of Perceived Exertion) workouts towards the beginning of the week that slowly tapered off into lower RPE workouts, plus a Thursday quality/ recovery day to make sure everyone was geared up for the Open workout on Friday!

Let’s see how we are going to finish the CrossFit Open strong in March and highlight any other training focuses.


The first two weeks of March are going to be similarly built to the final week of February. This is to make sure the CrossFit Open workout on Friday is the highlight of the week while also allowing everyone to still get a solid week of training in.

Post Open, we will have our Leading Ladies Week, which honors National Women’s Month with a week full of Classic Female Benchmarks and some new Female Benchmarks!

We will also be celebrating St. Patrick’s Day with a themed workout that surely will have you leaving the gym feeling lucky.

We will be testing Fran as our Benchmark workout this month, and we will also see the Hero Workout Laura during Leading Ladies Week.

The final highlighted focus for the month will be on Strict Pull-Up and Handstand Holding in our skill/strength sessions. These will show up once a week to continue building body awareness and gymnastic strength! BOOM!

Weekly March Commitments 

  • (2x/ Week) RPE 9-10 Workouts 
  • (2-3x/ Week) Focus on Couplets or Triplets 
  • (1x/ Week) Workout of the Week or Benchmark/ Classic workout 
  • (1x/ Week) Strict Pull-Up Strength or HS Hold Skill session 
  • (1x/ Week) Partner Workout
  • (1 Full Week) Leading Ladies Week (Classic Female Benchmarks/ New Female Workouts)
  • Sunday class added to our Spring 2024 class schedule

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CrossFit Workouts for Week of 12/09-12/15/2024

This month, we’ll continue to focus on Open workouts and testers as we approach the upcoming CrossFit Games season.

Start the week with a fun front squat and double-dumbbell farmers carry couplet on Monday.

On Wednesday, power through a heavy 1-rep thruster EMOM, followed by a max-rep set.

Embrace this month’s theme on Saturday as you and a partner tackle Event 10 from the 2021 CrossFit Games.

CrossFit Workouts for Week of 12/02-12/08

Welcome to December, a month focused on Open workouts and testers to help prepare for the upcoming CrossFit Open.

This month aims to give athletes insights into their fitness levels in specific movements and time domains.

Expect benchmarks like Open Workout 24.1, Fight Gone Bad, Christine, and Open Workout 23.1.

Work through shoulder press, thruster, power snatch, and front-rack lunge heavy days.

Aim to hit a heavy 1-rep-max lift immediately after higher reps at moderate loads.

Round out a great year and gear up for 2025!

CrossFit Workouts for Week of 11/25-12/1/2024

Welcome to the last week of November, where we’ll round out our focus on Olympic weightlifting and transition into prioritizing Open workouts and testers in December.

Start this week with a rowing and ring dip couplet, where complementary movement patterns and decreasing distances allow athletes to maintain intensity on the rower.

On Tuesday, balance mechanics and push PRs as you build to a 1-rep-max snatch and clean and jerk.

Post Thanksgiving fun yet grueling kettlebell partner workout on Saturday.

Wrap the week with a Hero workout in honor of U.S. Marine Corps Sergeant Matthew T. Abbate.


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